Livestock feed prices are on the rise, and there’s no clear sign when that trend will reverse. These escalating costs may have dairy farmers reconsidering their current rations
Jim Davenport, a dairy farmer from Ancramdale, N.Y., presents “Clean cows make clean milk.” According to Davenport, “The most important contact surface on the dairy is the teat and the...
There has been much talk about the Biden administration’s goal for rural America to play a leading role in combatting climate change, but farmers are still understandably curious and cautious about...
Now that silage harvest is finished in Iowa, it’s time to evaluate the corn and alfalfa quality in terms of digestibility, what it means for milk production, and even a comparison to past crop year...
With the effects of COVID-19 dominating the news in the dairy industry, there has been little time to analyze how the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program passed in the 2018 farm bill has supported dairy...
Automatic milking systems continue to grow in popularity as they provide benefits in improved cow health and more behavioral freedom, detailed Trevor DeVries of the University of Guelph
As humans, we often make extra food purposely, so that we have leftovers to eat the next day. That same philosophy doesn’t work for dairy cows, who need fresh feed daily
Suffice to say, each of us can recall a “really bad day” at the dairy. In fact, it probably isn’t too hard to muster up a list of “absolutely horrible days
Farmers, farm employees, and most veterinarians across the country have been deemed essential personnel because of their agricultural services, but that does not make them immune from the threat of COVID-19
Who’s buying your milk? We identify who is consuming dairy, and what their future buying habits and food desires will be, to develop products that utilize more of your milk and meet consumers’...
As more and more data is collected on land use, farm operations, animal health, and food supply chains, many initiatives, including the Dairy Brain project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
In life’s priority list, it can be easy to get wrapped up in what society says we should be doing. Jump on any social network and you can see a ton of advice
The National Dairy Council’s (NDC) flagship partnership with the NFL, Fuel Up to Play 60, recently kicked off its tenth year of activities with the start of the new school year
While most farmers in the South and West already have their corn silage safely stored away, many in the Midwest and Northeast are still wondering if their corn will reach maturity